Library Policies

Alumni Services

Services include borrowing privileges, interlibrary loans, and on-campus access to subscription resources. For more information or to register, email


Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and Document Delivery Services are available to Greensboro College students, faculty, and staff. Borrowing length and renewal opportunities depend on the policies of the lending institution.

James Addison Jones Library offers a 30-day lending period and may allow renewal depending on whether it has been recalled for a student, faculty, or staff member at the College. For more information about ILL and Document Delivery services, please email

Computer Use

We welcome our guest users of the Library and ask that they follow these guidelines.

  • During the regular semester, access to the library is available for guests during the Library’s hours of operation.
  • All guests are expected to respect the nature and purpose of James Addison Jones Library, which is to further the academic community as a place for study, research, creative endeavors, and collaboration. Those who conduct themselves in a manner that impedes, disturbs, or disrupts these endeavors risk the loss of guest privileges and access to Library facilities.
  • Guests may use materials within the library. Borrowing privileges are available for TALA participants.
  • Most computers require a campus network login available only to current Greensboro College students, faculty, and staff. The Library does not offer guest computing services.
  • Guest access to wifi is available to those who bring their own devices.
  • Note: All residents of North Carolina have access to the resources of NC LIVE both from their public libraries and from their home computers.
  • Photocopiers are available if they are not already in use by Greensboro students or faculty members. Copies are $.10 per page. Guests doing extensive copying will be expected to step aside to allow access to Greensboro students, faculty, or staff.
  • Printing is limited to Greensboro College students, faculty, and staff. Guests do not have a campus printing option.
  • Interlibrary Loan service is available only to Greensboro students, faculty, and staff. Check at your public library if you need this service.

Facilities Use

Use of Library space is guided by the Library’s mission to serve “the academic and social community that is Greensboro College.” See the Library’s mission. Library space includes all areas within the Library except for Sternberger Cultural Center, which is not under the Library’s jurisdiction and is scheduled by Conferences and Events.

The Library Classroom

The Library Classroom (2nd floor) is for library instruction and student use. When it is not being used for library instruction, it is kept open for student use. The Classroom is scheduled by library staff for library instruction (or, rarely, for computer upgrades). In order to be as available as possible to our students who need to use the workstations, and need access to reference assistance, it is not scheduled for non-library classes. To the extent possible, we allow other students to use the room during library instruction. The decision whether to allow use by students not in the class is at the discretion of the librarian teaching the class.

Study Rooms

Study rooms on the 2nd floor of the Library may be scheduled by Greensboro College faculty, staff, and students for viewing films or for individual or group study. Study rooms are scheduled by emailing the Library at or by speaking to a Library employee. These spaces my be reserved for individuals or groups, however, they may not be scheduled for regular classes. This is to ensure that they may be as available as possible to our students who need to use the equipment and spaces. These spaces may not be scheduled with outside groups.

Other Library Spaces

The Learning Commons, Reference, Levy-Loewenstein Collection and Lobby area are for the open and regular use of students, faculty, staff, and guests. The following points govern their scheduled use:

These areas mush be kept as free for students as possible. Any scheduling of these areas for events is done at the discretion of the Library Director.

Events must not exclude faculty, staff, or students from entering and using the area during the event.

All setup and cleanup must be arranged by the party scheduling the event. The Library does not arrange or coordinate setup and cleanup. Cleanup must occur immediately after the end of the event. Established noise levels must be observed.

Any damage or cleanup needed will be billed to scheduling party and will jeopardize future scheduling.

Unless special arrangements are made with the Library Director, these areas may not be scheduled during time the Library is not open. This does not apply to Sternberger, because Security is responsible for opening it.

Sternberger Cultural Center

Sternberger Cultural Center is not a Library facility and its use and setup is scheduled with Conferences and Events, not by the Library. Key access to Sternberger is provided by the Security Office only. Library staff are not responsible for controlling access to Sternberger. They do not lock or unlock the doors or supervise or troubleshoot events there. Because access through the Sternberger Center can jeopardize Library security, groups leaving Sternberger should be sure that all doors are locked. If an event is held in Sternberger when the Library is closed, attendees must enter and leave via the patio door, not the Library. Arrangements for food are made with the Catering Office.

The Library Director is responsible for final decisions about the use of Library space

Library Mission

The James Addison Jones Library supports the academic and social community of Greensboro College and its mission through a provision of collections, services, and facilities that reflect the College’s curriculum, promote information literacy and learning amongst a diverse student body, and support faculty teaching, research, and scholarship.

Printing and copying

There is a printer and a copier on the main floor, directly in front of the main entrance to the library. The copier charges 0.10 cents per page. There’s no charge to print class materials. The printer also allows you to scan and email documents as a PDF. Color printing is not available.

Food and drink

Food and drinks are permitted in the library. While in the library, special care should be taken to preserve the collection, the electronic equipment, and the library itself (flooring, tables, etc.). This policy is adopted on a contingency basis, and will continue thereafter so long as the library remains clean and attractive. Problems such as damage from spills, excessive loose trash, emergence of pests, etc. will force reconsideration. Library users are implored to use good judgment to ensure that nothing is harmed by food particles or drink spills. “Good judgment” includes, but is not limited to:

  • Cleaning up after yourself and others (crumbs, food wrappings, minor spills).
  • Reporting major spills to a librarian.
  • Making sure that no crumbs or spills fall onto books, computers, etc.
  • Washing your hands after eating greasy foods.
  • Avoid eating large, messy, and/or aromatic (smelly) meals.

Free shelf

The Library’s Free Shelf is designed to give a second chance to items being discarded by the Library. The Free Shelf items include items that do not fit the criteria for Better World Books to accept, yet the Jones Library staff feel are too good to be recycled. Items remain on the Free Shelf two weeks. If you see an item you like, donate one dollar and take it home with you. If you don’t have a dollar, but you still want the item, take it with you anyway!

Gifts and donations

Gifts of books, manuscripts and similar materials are valued additions to the James Addison Jones Library. Gifts may be added to the Libraries’ general collection, or to the holdings of the special collections. If some of the gifts are duplicates of works already in the collection or outside the scope of the our collections, they may be offered to another library, offered to Better World Books, or discarded.

Materials that fall outside of our collecting scope generally include:

  • Materials in poor physical condition
  • Outdated textbooks, software books, and testing manuals
  • Mass market paperbacks
  • Popular magazines
  • Individual journal issues
  • Non-book formats

Exceptions may also be made for special collections materials, or in cases where a donation will fill gaps in our collection, or may augment demand on specific resources.

Although we acknowledge gifts in a form that substantiates deductions, appraisals of gifts or collections for tax and other purposes must be done by an independent appraiser before the items are received at the Library. The Tax Reform Act of 1984 (see below) established regulations that affect cumulative gifts valued at more than $5000 in a single tax year.

Those wishing to make arrangements to donate materials should contact the library. If you have non-book items that you feel are significant to Greensboro College history please contact Elena Henry at

For more information see the Collection Development Policy’s section on Donations.

Library use by classes

All students are welcome to use Jones Library whenever the library is open.

Instructors assigning library research projects to their students and wanting to bring the students to the library as a group will schedule a library instruction session first. This is done by emailing or emailing a specific librarian.

Instructors bringing their class to the library for follow-up research sessions (without library instruction) will first notify the library via e-mail. Please be considerate of time and notify the library earlier rather than later. Early notification makes it possible to alert staff at the reference desk about the assignment.

All students are free to use the Library classroom at any time and the Library does not reserve the computer classroom for any outside classes–only for library instruction. When classes come to the library, they may use open computer workstations as available. Students who have their own laptops may bring them to the library.

Students who do not have their own laptops may use computer workstations as available. If sufficient computer workstations are not available, they may check out laptops (if available), but classes will not be required to check out laptops.

Middle College instructors will supervise their classes while they are using the library. Library workstations are to be used for academic work, so classes should be working on assignments. It is not necessary for teachers to supervise library use by students who are using the library independently, i.e. not as a class.

Personal items

Personal belongings should not be left unattended in the James Addison Jones Library at any time. Items found unattended should immediately be turned in at Campus Security located in Main building, room 116. The Library is not responsible for the security of personal items brought into the library, and will not hold patrons’ belongings behind the desk under any circumstances. It is the responsibility of each patron to monitor his or her bags at all times.

Service animals

Service animals are always welcome in the James Addison Jones Library. However, a service animal is NOT a pet. Service animals are trained to enrich the lives of people with disabilities. The Library welcomes service animals because we strive to create a welcoming environment for all Greensboro College faculty, staff, students, and invited guests. Service animals are also permitted under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

vending machines

The drink and snack machines are located in the Learning Commons area of the library. If you lose money in the drink or snack machine, please notify a librarian who can instruct you on how to get your money back through the vending machine company.



Phone: (336) 272-7102 x5241

Library Chat: Click the icon in the lower right of your screen to chat with a Greensboro College librarian from anywhere.

Joshua Fitzgerald photo

“I loved the GC Honors program and Greensboro College. I felt safe and a sense of genuine belonging at the college. I worked closely with my thesis advisor and professors who helped inspire me to define my path and passion of interest. That path has led me to my doctoral studies in Engineering Mechanics.”

- Joshua Fitzgerald, Class of ’19, Mathematics Major

Joshua currently studies astrodynamics at Virginia Tech University and is an Engineering Mechanics Ph.D. Candidate.