Dr. Hope Jackson

Dr. Hope Jackson received both her B.A. in English and M.A. in English and African-American Literature from North Carolina A&T State University. Dr. Jackson earned her Ph.D. from UNC-Greensboro in Educational and Cultural Studies.  She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses ranging from Composition to African American Film and Culture as well as Hip-Hop Discourse and is the former Graduate Studies Coordinator for North Carolina A&T State University’s English Department. Her work there as Graduate Coordinator resulted in Dr. Jackson receiving the 2022 Outstanding Graduate Coordinator Award presented by the North Carolina A&T State University Graduate College. Dr. Jackson’s research interests involve interpretive storytelling and narrative discourse analyses in rhetorical and literary genres. She has published several book chapters such as, “Citizenship Redemption: The Informed Literacies of #BlackLivesMatter through James Baldwin’s Another Country, and “Yes! Black Folks can tan too! – Ancestral Voices from a Black Beach Community,” as well as journal articles, “We are Family: I Got All My (HBCU) With Me,” in Composition Studies, “Dat N****’s Crazy: How Hip-Hop Negotiates Mental Health” in The Western Journal of Black Studies, and “We Belong in the Discussion: Including HBCUs in Conversations about Race and Writing,” in College Composition and Communication. Dr. Jackson’s latest work is a book entitled, The Stories of a Building the Black Beach Community of Ocean City, North Carolina was published with Lexington Books in 2022. 

Joshua Fitzgerald photo

“I loved the GC Honors program and Greensboro College. I felt safe and a sense of genuine belonging at the college. I worked closely with my thesis advisor and professors who helped inspire me to define my path and passion of interest. That path has led me to my doctoral studies in Engineering Mechanics.”

- Joshua Fitzgerald, Class of ’19, Mathematics Major

Joshua currently studies astrodynamics at Virginia Tech University and is an Engineering Mechanics Ph.D. Candidate.