Post baccalaureate Licensure only programs
Greensboro College offers Licensure Only Pathways for students seeking a North Carolina Initial Teaching License in a number of areas:
- Birth-Kindergarten
- K-12: Art, Music, Physical Education, Theatre
- Elementary Education
- Middle Grades: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies
- Secondary Grades: English, Science, Math, Social Studies
- Special Education: Adapted or General
Admission Requirements
An eligible candidate:
- receives preference if he/she is employed as a school teacher in an N.C. public or SACS-accredited institution.
- has earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and has completed a major or concentration in an area that matches employment or intended employment.
- has at least a 2.7 GPA on all college/university work, or has met N.C. Department of Public Instruction lateral-entry employment requirements.
How does the candidate obtain a license?
The candidate is eligible for licensure recommendation after she/he has:
- been admitted to the Greensboro College Educator Preparation Program as a Licensure only candidate.
- completed successfully the content, professional studies and clinical courses.
- taken and satisfied the Specialty Area PRAXIS exams and edTPA.
- satisfied the student-teaching/clinical practicum and technology requirements through employment or coursework.
What classes will I take as a Licensure only student?
The specific courses needed for each licensure area can be found on pages 113-124 in the Undergraduate Course Catalog.
What is the cost of Licensure only classes?
Updated tuition costs can be found here: Tuition & Fees
Apply Here: (A completed application includes official transcripts from all degree-awarding institutions)
Faculty Contact:
Rebecca F. Blomgren, Ph.D.
Founding Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Education, Director of Teacher Education, Education Department Chair, and Professor of Education
336-272-7102 ext. 5262
Pamela Bennett
Assistant Director of Teacher Education