
Vocal Ensembles


Chorale is the large choral ensemble and performs traditional as well as contemporary choral literature performing on campus and in the community. The Chorale is conducted by Director of Choral Activities, Dr. Jonathan Brotherton.

In the Bleak Midwinter – Jon Brotherton
In Paradisum — Faure Requieum
Cantate Domino — Hayes
You Shall Go Out with Joy — Edmonds
Dancing on the Edges of Time — Carnahan
Dona Nobis Pacem — Miller

Chamber Singers

Chamber Singers is a select, smaller ensemble that performs chamber choral works. Chamber Singers, conducted by Dr. Jonathan Brotherton, performs on campus as well as off campus and at professional events.  Both the Chamber Singers and the Chorale annually premier choral compositions written by Dr. Brotherton.

Au Joli Jeu – Clement Janequin
I Am Not Your – Z. Randall Stroupe
Jonah – Rollo Dilworth
My Soul’s Been Anchored – Moses Hogan
Lux Aurumque – Eric Whitacre
Deep River – arr. Jon Brotherton

Men’s Ensemble

The Men’s Ensemble, directed by Dr. Brotherton, provides another opportunity for male voices to sing a variety of literature ranging from traditional to contemporary and often include fun, entertaining selections.

“Now that We’re Men” (from The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie)
I See the Heaven’s Glories Shine – Andrea Ramsey
We’ll Shout and Give Him Glory – arr. Mack Wilberg
Poor Man Lazrus – arr. Jester Hairston

Opera / Musical Theatre Workshop

The Opera/Musical Theatre Workshopdirected by Dr. Jane McKinney, allows for small ensemble credit. But while students may sing in an ensemble chorus in an operatic or musical theatre production, the Workshop primarily allows students to study and develop operatic and musical theatre roles. A main-stage production of an opera is typically performed during the fall semester, and both operatic and musical-theatre works are studied and performed during the spring semester.

Greensboro College Opera / Musical Theatre Workshop performance of Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss, October 1, 2013

Instrumental Ensembles

Wind Ensemble

The Wind Ensemble is an instrumental ensemble that performs traditional and contemporary band literature.

Wind Ensemble Fall Concert 2020

The Pride Pep Band

The Pride Pep Band is a dynamic ensemble supporting athletic teams, including football and basketball.

“Music of the Doobies Brothers” halftime show at the 45th Annual Central North Carolina Band Festival

Jazz Ensemble

The Jazz Ensemble is a popular small ensemble. The Jazz Ensemble requires a high level of performing expertise and presents standard jazz literature, contemporary jazz, and dance music.

There Will Never Be Another You – Warren / Taylor
The Nearness of You – Carmichael / Stitzel
Blue Note Special – Tomaro
On the Street Where You Live – Nichaus
Jamie – Nestico
Autumn Leaves – Kosma / Collins
What a Wonderful World – Weiss / Nowak
It’s Oh So Nice – Nestico
Since I Fell For You – Johnson / Wolpe
The Second Time Around – Heusen / Byers
Sing, Sing, Sing – Prima / Wolpe
Isn’t She Lovely – Stevie Wonder

Woodwind Ensemble

The Woodwind Ensemble, directed by Dr. Jonathan Brotherton, consists of all woodwind majors performing a wide variety of music literature. The woodwind ensemble performs traditional woodwind literature and music either composed or arranged by GC music faculty specifically for the ensemble. Other small woodwind ensembles such as flute ensemble, clarinet ensemble, saxophone ensemble, and woodwind trios and quartets are formed as needed to give students even more opportunities for performance.

Gypsy Rondo – Haydn, Marlatt
Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child – arr Marlatt
Mission Impossible Theme – Schifrin, Lavender
Let My People Go – arr Hirsch

Brass Ensemble

The Brass Ensemble is directed by Dr. Jon Brotherton, and includes trumpet, french horn, trombone, baritone, euphonium, and tuba. This ensemble performs Renaissance, Baroque, and 20th-century literature on campus and at area churches.

Amazing Grace — arr. Jon Brotherton
The Heavens Declare the Glory of God — Benedetto Marcello
High Barbary — arr. Vosbein
Somewhere Out There — Horner, Frack

Small Ensembles

Small ensembles, such as Clarinet Ensemble and Percussion Ensemble, are formed as needed to give students even more opportunities for performance.

Percussion Ensemble
Vertigo – Andy Hamsberger
Paradox II – Matthew Curley
Walk Like An Egyptian – arr. Chris Crockrell
Joshua Fitzgerald photo

“I loved the GC Honors program and Greensboro College. I felt safe and a sense of genuine belonging at the college. I worked closely with my thesis advisor and professors who helped inspire me to define my path and passion of interest. That path has led me to my doctoral studies in Engineering Mechanics.”

- Joshua Fitzgerald, Class of ’19, Mathematics Major

Joshua currently studies astrodynamics at Virginia Tech University and is an Engineering Mechanics Ph.D. Candidate.