Explore Your Interests
All About You: Your Interests, Personality, Strengths, Skills & Values
Greensboro College is pleased to offer students and alumni the TypeFocus program. This interactive program assesses personality types and generates customized reports to help people understand themselves better so they can choose more effective career strategies.

With the Help of Typefocus, You Can:
- Assess your strengths
- Explore occupations
- Decide where you want to go and create a plan on how to get there
- Discover which occupations suit you best, based on your assessment results
- Improve your success and gain confidence the smart way – by focusing on your strengths
- Make any employer glad they hired you by developing your key employability skills
- Search for jobs
- Set goals
- Succeed in any job
- Take multiple career assessments such as personality, interests, values, and skills, which will help you understand yourself better
Click here or on the logo to get started. Register as a new user using your greensboro.edu email address. Contact the Director of Career and Personal Development for the access code.
Additional Assessments
Interests Assessments / Holland Codes and Themes
My Next Move: An interactive tool for job seekers and students to learn more about their career options. The site has tasks, skills, salary information, and more for over 900 different careers. Users can find careers through keyword search; by browsing industries that employ different types of workers; or through the O*NET Interest Profiler, a tool that offers personalized career suggestions based on a person’s interests and level of work experience
Truity: Information and career advice for each of the 6 Holland Themes
Personality Quizzes and Information
16 Personalities: A free personality quiz based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator of 16 personality types
Personality Page: For a more in-depth look at the 16 personalities and suggested careers for each type
Truity: Videos and information on the 16 personalities
Cliftonstrengths Finder
This assessment measures your natural patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving, so when you’re done, you’ll have discovered your talents. Please contact the Director of Career and Personal Development at caryn.atwater@greensboro.edu if you are interested in taking this assessment.