Educator Preparation Program
Welcome to the Educator Preparation Program, where we prepare teachers to be reflective practitioners. Reflective practitioners value diversity, engage in liberating practice, and are lifelong learners. We offer programs at both the undergraduate and master’s level. The following education programs are approved by the North Carolina State Board of Education and the Department of Public Instruction for licensure of our graduates to teach at the early childhood, elementary, middle, or secondary levels.
Undergraduate / initial licensure areas
- Birth through Kindergarten
- Elementary (K-6)
- Middle Grades Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies (6-9)
- Comprehensive Science (9-12)
- Comprehensive Social Studies (9-12)
- English (9-12)
- Mathematics (9-12)
- Art (K-12)
- English as a Second Language (K-12)
- Health and Physical Education (K-12)
- Music (K-12)
- Special Education General and Adapted Curriculum (K-12)
- Theatre (K-12)
Graduate M.Ed. licensure areas
- Birth through Kindergarten
- Elementary (K-6)
- Special Education General and Adapted Curriculum (K-12)
Graduate M.A.T. licensure areas
- English as a Second Language
Further Questions?
Rebecca F. Blomgren, Ph.D.
Director of Teacher Education
336-272-7102, ext. 5262
Pamela Bennett
Assistant Director of Teacher Education
The Educator Preparation Program is accredited by the North Carolina State Board of Education.
Admissions information
- Admissions
- Post-baccalaureate Licensure only
- Piedmont Alternative Licensure Program
- Licensure Plus Program
- Master of Education in Birth through Kindergarten Education
- Master of Education in Elementary Education
- Master of Education in Special Education General Curriculum or Special Education Adapted Curriculum
Educator Preparation Provider Complainant Process
Pursuant to North Carolina General Statue 115C-269.55, the North Carolina State Board of Education (SBE) has the authority to receive reports of allegations of noncompliance regarding specific laws and rules associated with Educator Preparation Program (EPP) requirements. The SBE does not have the authority to receive complaints related to contractual arrangements with an EPP, commercial issues, obtaining a higher grade or credit for training, or seeking reinstatement to an EPP. The complaint process allows students to report allegations of noncompliance with Article 17D of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes. Information about the process and the forms to submit a complaint are available at this link.