Study Abroad Opportunities
Expanding Your Horizons – Literally.
Are you considering a study abroad experience? We are absolutely thrilled for you! Here at Greensboro College we believe that the study abroad experience adds immense value to your academic program. A study abroad experience is a great place for personal and academic growth.
We are happy that you were considering building on your great Greensboro college education with an academic study abroad experience. Why should you want to study abroad? Studying abroad helps you grow both individually as a person and connect with our global world. Study abroad helps by moving you out of your comfort zone as you discover new cultures different ways of thinking, new methods of learning and build relationships along the way.
At Greensboro College it is our goal to prepare you to find your own path in a complex and global community. By studying abroad, you can complement your college experience in a way that cannot be met unless you study in another culture, by seeing other ways of living that help expand your own view on life.
Greensboro College offers a variety of study-abroad opportunities. We have exchange programs with universities in England, Northern Ireland, and Germany for which students may apply their institutional scholarships. Furthermore, Greensboro College participates in the Greater Greensboro Consortium, which means Greensboro College students are entitled to participate in UNC-Greensboro exchange programs.
Greensboro College is a member of the North Carolina Semester in Paris Consortium ( Greensboro College students as well as students from the other participating institutions are eligible to apply to this longstanding, high-quality, and reasonably priced academic program in the “City of Lights.”
Our Exchange Programs
- The London Program: Greensboro College’s exchange program with Southlands College of Roehampton University in London. Click here to check it out: The London Program
- The Germany Program: Greensboro College’s exchange agreement with Ludwigsburg University of Education (LUE) in Ludwigsburg, which is centrally located in southwest Germany, north of Stuttgart. Click here to check it out: The Germany Program
- The Irish-American Scholars Program in Northern Ireland: Because of our affiliation with the United Methodist Church and our sponsorship of an Irish student in the Business Education Initiative (BEI) with the government of Northern Ireland, Greensboro College can nominate up to three students to be considered for selection as Irish-American Scholars. Click here to check it out: The Ireland Program
Consortium Programs
Greensboro College supports its students in pursuing study abroad opportunities through other universities in the area, such as the consortium programs linked below via UNC-Greensboro and UNC-Wilmington. Global pursuits of many varieties are valid to develop intercultural competence generally. However, please be advised that if you would like to request academic credit for a study abroad program facilitated by a university other than Greensboro College, you must complete an application and approval procedure prior to departure.
The study abroad advisor or director of international programs can provide details on this process.
Third-Party Study-Abroad Providers
- AIFS (American Institute for Foreign Study)*:
- API (Academic Programs International)
- CEA (Cultural Experiences Abroad)*
- CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange)*
- CIS (Center for International Studies)*
- Global Semesters*
- ISA (International Studies Abroad)*
* Indicates that Greensboro College has a signed affiliation agreement with these providers which offers additional benefits such as increased scholarship opportunities.
There are several ways to pursue study abroad experiences
- Short term summer studies: These are 3-6 weeks trips that combine academic study and international travel usually on a particular topic (like food systems in Costa Rica).
- Semester long study abroad: In this situation, you would spend all of the fall or spring semester at a partnering institution and take 3-4 classes just as you would at GC.
- Year-long study abroad: Your entire academic year would be spent at one or two universities where you would take classes just as you would if you were on campus at GC.
Study abroad differs from going on a vacation. On a vacation you see the sights and take in new foods and experiences, and don’t necessarily have anyone offer formative or challenging experiences. It is of course true that study abroad includes some of these aspects it– you will see new sights and probably eat some amazing food – but study abroad goes beyond a vacation and that you are invested in your academic journey alongside other students which will broaden and deepen the insights into yourself and the place where you were studying.
You will be prompted to ask new questions, find the need to discover new answers, and process the experience in a whole different way. You will meet people from different ways of life that will help challenge and encourage you in your own discovery of your path. In very concrete ways, you will gain important experience as you make decisions on your own and you will be prompted to think critically and wisely about how to spend your time and resources while abroad. Study abroad is a formative experience.
Greensboro College has crafted unique relationships with partners around the globe. We believe that these partnerships will complement your current degree program and help you satisfy and supplement your degree requirements. You will stay on track to graduate and have the ability to grow in new ways and as you pursue these exciting opportunities.
Gilman Scholarship Bonus
The following programs/institutions offer additional funding to students who receive the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship and use the Gilman Scholarship to participate on one of their programs
- Arcadia University Center for Education Abroad – Additional $1,000 to Gilman recipients
- GlobalLinks Abroad – Additional $500 to Gilman recipients
- Studio Art Centers International (SACI) – Additional $500 to Gilman recipients
- Study Australia – Additional $500 to Gilman recipients
- SUNY Brockport Overseas Academic Programs – Additional $500 to Gilman recipients
Other Scholarships for Study Abroad
- Freeman-Asia Scholarships
- Blakemore Asian Language Fellowships
- British Council – Funding Your Study in the UK
- CIEE Student Scholarship Programs for Education Abroad
- Critical Language Scholarships for Intensive Summer Institutes– Provides funding for U.S. citizen undergraduate, Master’s and Ph.D. students to participate in beginning, intermediate and advanced level summer language programs at American Overseas Research Centers.
- IE-Midwest Study Abroad Grants
- Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships – For undergraduate, graduate & vocational study
- Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
We live in a world in which countries are becoming increasingly more connected and economically interdependent, study of and in other cultures is now being promoted as a significant part of a liberal education. In fact, students can use their federal student aid toward a summer, a semester, or an academic year in U.S.-accredited program abroad. The U.S. Department of State also offers numerous scholarships ( to ensure that students are not impeded from going abroad by their financial circumstances.
Faculty-led seminars also offer Greensboro College students a short-term experience abroad for which they can receive 3-6 credit hours.
Greensboro College hopes that all students take advantage of the wide array of study abroad opportunities, both short- and long-term. Not only will living and studying in another part of world deepen one’s perception and appreciation of other cultures, but the addition of international experience to a resume also will impress potential employers.
Students are encouraged to speak with their parents, their academic advisor, and of course the study-abroad advisor, Jason Myers (, about making study abroad an integral, significant part of their undergraduate experience at Greensboro College.
Choosing a Program
What are your educational goals? Do you want to…
- Concentrate on a topic related to your major or pursue a completely different topic?
- Focus on academic program or on significant social and cultural experience?
- Take classes in English or in another language? Are your language skills strong enough to keep up?
- Get academic credit from another institution? Is it transferable?
Is studying abroad relevant to your career goals?
- Will studying a language, a certain subject, or another culture give you an edge in the marketplace?
What type of living and learning experience do you want to have?
- Location: big city or small town?
- Accommodations: homestay, apartment with other students, residence hall?
- Language and culture: practice your language skills or be with English speakers?
- Immersion in language and culture or observation? Lots of traveling or field trips?
- Social interaction: people your own age or of all ages?
- Structure: structured program with planned activities of freedom to explore on your own?
Important Documents
Study Abroad Application — all programs
Application Packet: Downloads for the Study Abroad application at Greensboro College
- Application Checklist
- Greensboro College Application Form
- Confidential Reference Form
- Medical Form
- Participant’s Agreement Form
- Assumption of Risk and Release Form
- Student Essay Form

Greensboro College’s exciting exchange program can let you study at a college in London for a semester or a year … at no extra cost!
This program joins two Methodist colleges – Greensboro College and Southlands College at Roehampton University. Located in the suburbs of London, Southlands has an academic collaboration with Greensboro College that allows selected students to study abroad for one semester … or even an academic year.
You’ll receive full academic credit AND learn firsthand the history, charm and excitement of England!
Roehampton University
Southlands College began in 1872 in Battersea. It moved to Wimbledon in the 1930s and, in September 1997, it moved to a brand new College in Roehampton Lane.
The new College buildings form an impressive complex of modern teaching, residential and social buildings centered around a main quadrangle. The Queen’s Building provides facilities for the academic programs in the School of Sociology & Social Policy, the School of Business Studies and Applied Technology & Computing, the Department of Theology & Religious Studies and the Divisions of Music and Women’s Studies.
The Conference Hall houses musical concerts and a flourishing Music Society. The College’s impressive resources include a Steinway concert grand piano, an aural training laboratory and a double-manual French harpsichord. Other special features include new textile laboratories, which house a range of hi-tech equipment for the testing of consumer goods.
The Lakeside building provides a dining room and a lively café, which is popular with staff and students. Nonresident students often arrive early, in time for breakfast, before they begin their lectures.
Student Union activities take place in the Hirst building, which is just two minutes’ walk along the campus. There are 285 study bedrooms, 76 of them in suite arrangements, including six with facilities for the disabled. The rooms are arranged in small self-catering flats with well-equipped kitchens. All the rooms are cabled to provide Internet access.
The grounds and buildings are owned by the Methodist Church, which has always had an interest in education. Prominent Methodist leaders actively support the College even to this day. At the entrance to the College is a circular chapel where daily activities take place and where the full-time chaplains are available to talk with students. The Chaplaincy Theological Society arranges programs of interesting lectures that are open to students and the public. The chaplaincy is at the heart of the community life and social outreach.
The Methodist tradition is important to the College, and that tradition provides a particularly welcoming and friendly atmosphere. The school welcomes students of all denominations and faiths.
Southlands is one of four historic colleges that comprise the Roehampton University. You can learn more about Roehampton and Southlands on the Web at
The normal costs for a traditional residential student at Greensboro College cover the corresponding costs at Southlands College.
Students must have earned at least 26 semester hours while enrolled at Greensboro College to qualify. Those credit hours must have been earned prior to taking part in the exchange.
The program is open to students in all majors who are in good academic, financial and disciplinary standing with Greensboro College.
Participants are selected based on these factors:
- cumulative grade point average;
- intellectual, emotional and physical maturity;
- academic preparation;
- reasons for wanting to study abroad;
- ability to adapt to a new culture; and
- the quality of the study abroad plan and its relationship to long-range educational goals.
Michael Leigh, former College Principal and University Pro-Rector at Roehampton’s University’s Southlands College says: “Southlands College is a vibrant community of 1300 staff and students within the bigger community of the Roehampton’s University. The openness and good sense of Southlands’ Methodist heritage has left a legacy of tolerance and responsibility.
“Students and scholars live and work together in a stimulating community. The high spirits and positive vitality of normal young people sustain a College that bursts with life. Students of all ages and from all parts of the world develop skills and dream dreams together within the environment of beautiful grounds and brilliant contemporary architecture. Why not join us so that you can experience it for yourself?”
More Information
- To learn a little about the Roehampton University experience from students who have been there, view our “Stories From Students Abroad.”
- To look at courses offered, click here.
Application Deadlines
- For fall semester: Application materials submitted by March 15
- For spring semester: Application materials submitted by October 1
If you’d like to learn more about this program, contact Georgie Bogdan at or at 336-272-7102, ext. 5312.
Ludwigsburg University of Education (LUE), The Germany Exchange Program

Greensboro College enjoys an active, very productive exchange with Ludwigsburg University of Education with regard to both students and faculty. In summer 2007, Professor Neill Clegg of the GC Music Department taught a three-week course entitled “Jazz and Stylistic Development” to LUE music majors. In spring 2008, LUE music professors Stefan Lenz and Susanne Moldenhauer taught master classes and gave a concert in the chapel at Greensboro College. In spring 2009, two LUE students will come for a semester to take courses in their field of study at Greensboro College.
Students interested in spending a semester at LUE will not pay more than what a traditional, residential student at Greensboro College pays. Students may also use their institutional scholarship money to cover tuition, room, and board costs. LUE offers a range of subjects for study. Students need not know German since many classes are taught in English. However, for those who wish to learn and improve their German, language and culture courses are offered at varying levels. The academic year in Ludwigsburg is divided into a winter semester and a spring semester. Logistically, it works best for students to go in the spring semester. For students who wish to take 1-2 courses in the summer, LUE is happy to make special arrangements. Similar to all exchange programs, students are expected to be in good academic, financial, and disciplinary standing.
For more information about the Ludwigsburg University of Education, go to:
To apply, download the registration form
- Ludwigsburg Registration Form
Application deadlines for Ludwigsburg University of Education:
- For fall semester or summer term: April 15th
- For spring semester: November 15th
Irish-American Scholars Program in Northern Ireland

How about spending a semester or two semesters studying at a university in Northern Ireland? Because of our affiliation with the United Methodist Church and our sponsorship of an Irish student in the Business Education Initiative (BEI) with the government of Northern Ireland, Greensboro College can nominate up to three students to be considered for selection as Irish-American Scholars. If selected, students’ tuition and fees will be waived at the institutions in Northern Ireland. Students are responsible for room, board, book, and travel costs and any charges at their home college or university; however, since this is an exchange program, students can use their Greensboro College scholarships to cover these costs.
There is a wide range of excellent colleges and universities in Northern Ireland to choose from:
- Queens University:
- University of Ulster:
- Belfast Institution of Further and Higher Education:
- Stranmillis University College:
- St. Mary’s University College:
If you have an minimum of 3.2 GPA and you are a sophomore, junior, or senior, consider applying for this prestigious scholarship and fabulous study abroad opportunity. The deadline for applications is the end of January. See your study abroad advisor for more information and application forms.
More information about the Irish American Scholars Program!

For Spring 2019, study at Brunnenberg Castle in Italy. Download an information sheet and a cost sheet. Application deadline is Oct. 5, 2018.
Web Resources
Search Engines for browsing all available study abroad programs in the world:
Information link for students studying in Britain, Northern Ireland, and Europe:
Link for parents:
Links for discounted student airfares:
Link for International Student ID card:
Links for study-abroad scholarships:
- – Note that the application deadline for Summer 2018 and Fall 2018 study is March 6, 2018.
Link for students with disabilities:
Links for voluntary service programs:
- International Partnership for Service-Learning:
- Volunteers for Peace:
Study Abroad Advisor
Katrina O’Neill – International Student Services Advisor & Success Coach
Room 214, Main Building