My Academic Progress
with Comprehensive Advising

In 2024, Greensboro College’s faculty and staff partnered to explore new ways to support students as they prepare to further their education towards advanced degrees or enter the workforce. Months of exploration and collaboration led them to develop My Academic Progress (MAP), a comprehensive advising program to help Greensboro College students graduate ready for anything.
MAP, a quality enhancement plan or QEP, involves the development and implementation of new advising guidelines and the introduction of a robust student information system to make GC students’ journey through college even smoother – it’s a MAP to success.
What is a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)?
A Quality Enhancement Plan is a college or university’s multi-year plan to improve student success. Greensboro College’s QEP is designed to address a specific initiative closely related to our mission – the advisor/student relationship.
What is Greensboro College’s QEP?
MAP – My Academic Progress with Comprehensive Advising
How did Greensboro College choose this topic?
MAP was selected through a yearlong process that included a call for proposals from both faculty and staff, narrowing down the proposals, and then selecting through campuswide voting on the selected topic.
What are the specific goals of MAP?
- Increase student fall-to-fall retention rates
- Increase student semester-to-semester persistence
- Increase student contact with advisors
- Increase student satisfaction with the advising program
- Increase student participation in the advising process
What will MAP mean for students?
- Students will better understand the importance of the academic advising process.
- Students will be able to connect with their advisors outside the advising window.
- Students will better understand their academic responsibility through the advising process.
- Students will better understand how to access and use their degree audits, a tool to map their academic journey.
How will Greensboro College implement MAP initiatives?
Implementation is already underway with workshops and resource development for advisors and students. Greensboro College is implementing a new student information system, Jenzabar to assist in informing faculty and staff about student achievement and needs. Jenzabar will minimize the time faculty and staff must spend on administrative tasks and maximize their time available to engage with students and their families.
Greensboro College will assess the impact of MAP on student retention and persistence and retention beginning in the 2025-26 academic year. Advisor training and student surveying will continue as we travel this plan, and when detours are necessary, faculty and staff will post the signs to ensure students stay on the road. Greensboro College already had excellent faculty, staff and students. With the addition of MAP, we know students can Graduate Ready for Anything.