Your Path Forward
Greensboro College Resources To Help You Navigate Your Path
We empower our students to become the best version of themselves. Your Path Forward is our four-year, common experience that helps students carve out their road to a successful graduation as they receive support from several Greensboro College programs along the way. Here’s an idea of what that path might look like.
Discover | First Year
Find your place at Greensboro College and take charge of your college experience.
- All first-year students take the Greensboro College Seminar to learn how to successfully transition to college and get connected with the GC Community.
- Learn more about what the GC First-Year Experience is like here.
DeclarE | Second Year
Dive further into the Greensboro College community and understand what you want your future path to look like.
- We understand that there is no straight line between a student’s major and career. Second-year students are encouraged to declare their major within the first semester of their second year to increase their ability to graduate in four years.
- CLD 2100 – Define Your Path helps students identify their interests, personality, skills, and values to explore careers and prepare for internships and post-grad life.
- The Success Advocate Program is a pilot program that is designed to increase the bridge of support which students in their first two years receive. This program connects students with faculty and staff across campus who check in with them throughout the semester.
Develop | Third Year
Explore opportunities like graduate programs and internships that can help plan for post-grad life.
- Dive into experiential opportunities like internships or independent research studies with a faculty member in your field of interest.
- Prepare for graduate school and job preparation with the help of The Office of Career and Personal Development.
Deliver | Fourth Year
Discover the destination that awaits after graduation.
- We look forward to celebrating all that you have accomplished through a number of recognition ceremonies and, of course, Graduation!
More Resources To Help You Navigate Your Path
Have more questions about academic advising, tutoring, academic support, career & personal development or accommodations? Visit The PEAK (Personal Enrichment and Knowledge) located on the 3rd floor of the Main Building.