Safety & Security
The Department of Safety and Security emergency number: 336-312-9911 (24 hours a day)
The Department of Safety and Security non-emergency number: 336-908-8947
For Media inquiries, contact the GC Office of Marketing and Communications
We are here to provide a safe and healthy environment that enhances the campus learning experience and supports the mission of Greensboro College. All Safety and Security officers are First Aid, CPR, and AED certified.

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About Us

Chief Pamelia McAdoo-Rogers
Director of Campus Safety & Security
Phone: (336) 272-7102, Ext. 5245
Campus Safety and Security — along with Residence Life, Student Activities, Student Health and Counseling Services — reports to the Executive Vice President/Chief Operations Officer. We aid in the enforcement of federal, state, and local statutes and Greensboro College policies and procedures.
We also work closely with the Office of the Dean of Students to ensure that safety policies and procedures are executed uniformly and conveyed in a clear and consistent manner to all students, faculty and staff.
GC Alert Emergency Text Notifications
How and where to sign up for the GC texting/email alerts
- Sign up for your GC Alert account (first time users)
- Sign up for Faculty and Staff only (first time users)
- Sign up for Parents, Neighbors & Friends of the GC Community
- LOG-IN to your existing GC Alert account – for current users
GC Emergency Action Plan
The Department of Safety and Security is located in Main Building on the first floor in Office 116. Security officers are on duty 24/7/365 days a year. The Department AED units are located in buildings throughout the campus.
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crimes Statistics Act (20 USC 1092 (f)) requires institutions of higher education to prepare, publish, and make available to all current and prospective students and employees, information pertaining to crime awareness and personal safety by October 1st of each year. Greensboro College is publishing this Annual Security and Fire Safety Report pursuant to this regulation.
Building Access
All residential students – and select faculty and staff – are issued an Access Card (Pride Card) each fall by the Office of Residence Life. The card provides access to residence halls via the card reader located at various entrances.
If an access card is found, it should be turned in to the Campus Safety and Security Office. If you lose your access card, you should report it immediately to Campus Security and obtain a new card. A replacement fee of $50 will be charged for a lost Pride Card.
Emergency Procedures

Fire Safety Regulations
In compliance with state law, fire drills will be conducted at various times throughout the year to ensure that all, on-campus residents are familiar with evacuation procedures.
Students, faculty, and staff should maintain a safe environment in all campus facilities. Any substance that could cause a fire is not permitted in the residence halls at any time. Items will be confiscated, as per the Residence Life policy.
Activating the Fire Alarm
Please follow these procedures in the event that a fire is discovered or if you see or smell something that indicates a fire in any campus building or on campus grounds:
- Pull the alarm if it has not yet been activated.
- Do not attempt to extinguish a fire until an alarm has been sounded.
- Close room doors and exit the building.
- Do not use the elevator.
- Call 911 and report the location of the fire.
- Do not re-enter the building until instructed by campus security.
In the event of a fire alarm, all occupants of the building are required to vacate. Failure to do so is a violation of the Student Conduct Code. Tampering with or inappropriately handling any fire and/or safety equipment (including but not limited to fire extinguishers, fire hoses, smoke alarms, detectors and fire safety vehicles) is strictly prohibited and a violation of federal/state law and the Student Conduct Code.
Inclement Weather
In most weather conditions, Greensboro College will remain open. Non-resident students and staff should use their own discretion in determining whether to drive to the campus in unsafe weather conditions. When weather or road conditions make travel unsafe, commuters will be excused from day, evening, and weekend classes – but will be responsible for missed work.
In the event Greensboro College cancels or delays classes, announcements will be made on the GC website, GC email, Facebook social media page, the GC Alert Emergency (Text/mobile) Notification System and/or local TV stations. If classes are canceled, the College is considered closed, and faculty and some nonessential staff are not required to report to work.
If classes are delayed, the College will open when classes start. Some employees may be required to work when the College is delayed or closed.
Lost and Found
The Campus Safety and Security Department administers Lost and Found services for Greensboro College. All items found on campus (or in the vicinity of campus) should be turned in to the Department at Main Building, Office 116. Please also report any missing items immediately.
Missing Students
It is the policy of Greensboro College to thoroughly investigate all reports of missing students. We hold that every student reported missing will be considered at risk until significant information to the contrary is confirmed. It is also our policy to support and assist missing person investigations thate originate outside our jurisdiction.
It should also be noted that the College has no required waiting period for reporting a missing person. A person shall be deemed “missing” when his or her whereabouts are unknown and unexplainable for a period of time that is regarded as highly unusual or suspicious based on known behavior patterns, plans, or routines.
Any campus member who has knowledge of – or receives a report that a student is missing – must immediately report the information or evidence to the Office of Student Development and the Safety and Security Department.
Please be aware that this policy is intended specifically for residential students at Greensboro College.
Authorization to Release Information
Every student at Greensboro College shall have the opportunity to give the College authorization to release information. The student shall select an individual(s) to whom the College has permission to release information including, but not limited to, a confirmed report of the student being missing from the College. The student may at any time rescind this authorization or change the individual to whom notification will be made to by updating the Authorization to Release form with the Office of Student Development. The student is responsible for ensuring that this information is kept up-to-date and accurate.
The Authorization to Release form is kept in the student’s confidential file.
The College shall release information to the parent or legal guardian of any student who is under the age of 18, unless he/she is identified as an emancipated individual, regardless of authorization by the student.
A student shall be deemed “missing” when:
A report of a missing student is made to any Greensboro College official, including faculty, staff, or Residence Life or Security personnel.
All attempts to contact the missing student by College officials have failed.
- The College official who receives the report of the missing student shall notify Campus Safety and Security and the Office of Student Development, immediately.
- Campus Safety and Security shall notify the Greensboro Police Department no later than 24 hours after the time that the student is deemed missing.
- The Dean of Students shall notify the President of the College and the individual authorized by the student to be notified no later than 24 hours after the time the student is deemed missing.
Weapons Policy
Greensboro College strictly prohibits the possession or use of any weapons including, but not limited to guns, rifles, pistols, BB guns, pellet guns, stun guns, air rifles/pistols, paintball guns, BBs, bullets, bomb-making devices, knives (of any length), brass knuckles, slingshots, leaded canes, and martial arts devices. In addition, any object that resembles a firearm or weapon is prohibited.
Any weapon or ammunition discovered on the College’s property will be confiscated immediately. Greensboro College reserves the right, at the sole discretion of the Dean of Students, to immediately dismiss or suspend from the College any student found in possession of a weapon. In the event that such discretion is exercised, the College shall have no obligation to follow the above procedures, and the affected student shall not be vested with those rights otherwise afforded under the Student Conduct Code. The College reserves the right to report violations to the appropriate authorities.
Even if you have a concealed weapon permit, you are not allowed to have a weapon in your vehicle, room, on your person or in any area of the Greensboro College campus.
North Carolina General Statute 14-269.2
North Carolina General Statute 14-269.2 states that it shall be a Class I felony for any person to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any gun, rifle, pistol or other firearms of any kind on educational property or to a curricular or extracurricular activity sponsored by a school.
The only exception would be for “a weapon used solely for educational or school-sanctioned ceremonial purposes or used in a school-approved program conducted under the supervision of an adult whose supervision has been approved by the school authority.” Persons exempted from this policy include firefighters, police, emergency service personnel, North Carolina Forest Service personnel, and any private police employed by the College when acting in the discharge of their official duties .
Please call the Campus Safety & Security Department at ext. 5245 if you have any questions.
Non-Motorized Vehicles
Skateboards, roller skates, in-line skates, bicycles, and other non-motorized vehicles are used at the rider’s own risk. These vehicles can be used on the sidewalks and in the parking lots on campus, but never in buildings.
Parking Rules & Regulations
Pets on Campus
No pets are allowed on campus, either on outside grounds or in buildings. The only exceptions are licensed service animals within Greensboro College’s policies for such animals.
Search Policy
Any member of the Greensboro College administration, including the Residence Life staff, shall have the right to enter and search any College premises, including residence hall rooms. The College official making the search will always knock and request permission to enter and search, but if permission is denied or if the room is unoccupied, the College official may enter with a passkey to make their search.
To the extent possible, residence hall rooms will be searched at a time when a student assigned to the room is present, but the Greensboro College official shall have no obligation to delay entry and search until such a student is present. The College official conducting the search shall make a true and complete inventory of any and all items confiscated/removed from the searched area.
Sexual Harassment Info
Greensboro College Sexual Misconduct Policy
Smoking & Tobacco Use in College Facilities
Greensboro College is committed to providing a safe, healthy and tobacco-free environment for our students, staff, faculty and guests. Tobacco-free is defined as a total ban on the use of tobacco products, including electronic tobacco products, while on campus or at any College-sponsored event.