Pride Guide – The Greensboro College Student Handbook

The Greensboro College Student Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights is the Greensboro College Statement of Student Rights.

Greensboro College students have the right to reasonable access

Greensboro College is committed to providing academic access for all students. Using the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework, Greensboro College creates diverse learning environments that benefit all learners, by removing barriers and allowing for reasonable academic accommodations for otherwise qualified students.

Greensboro College students have the right to the free pursuit of education

The classroom environment shall be a place of free discussion, inquiry, and expression in which students have the right to clearly defined course objectives, evaluation methods, academic standing, and graduation requirements.

Greensboro College students have the right to evaluate their educational environment

It is reasonable to expect the opportunity to evaluate academic courses, instructors, social activities, living environment, staff, faculty, and student experiences.

Greensboro College students have the right to live in civility

As a member of the Greensboro College community students shall be free from discrimination and harassment. Greensboro College affirms the United Methodist Social Principles and Creed insomuch as “We commit ourselves to the rights of men, women, children, youth, young adults, the aging, and people with disabilities; to improvement of the quality of life; and to the rights and dignity of all persons.”

Greensboro College Students have the right of association and representation

Students have the right to establish organizations and governmental bodies and to participate in Student Affairs programs including the freedom of association, freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, and freedom of the exercise of the rights of citizenship.

Greensboro College Students have the right to due process

Due process is defined as appropriate Administrative Procedures as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. All disciplinary actions shall have as the core function the opportunity to educate while maintaining safety and security.

Greensboro College Students have the right to access records.

Students shall have the right to access and control access to their personal College records as provided by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. To minimize the risk of improper disclosure, academic, disciplinary, and health records are kept separate, and the conditions of access to each are set forth by the supervising departments: Health services, Counseling services, Accessibility services, the Dean of Students, and the Registrar.

The Greensboro College Student Handbook

Student Handbook: MS Word (.docx)Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)

(Contains the Student Conduct Code)

The Student Handbook is the Greensboro College Statement of Student Responsibilities.  It contains the Student Bill of Rights, Student Conduct Code, and Judicial Philosophy and Procedures.

Hard copies of the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities are available in the Student Development office, 312 Main.

Supplemental Policies

Joshua Fitzgerald photo

“I loved the GC Honors program and Greensboro College. I felt safe and a sense of genuine belonging at the college. I worked closely with my thesis advisor and professors who helped inspire me to define my path and passion of interest. That path has led me to my doctoral studies in Engineering Mechanics.”

- Joshua Fitzgerald, Class of ’19, Mathematics Major

Joshua currently studies astrodynamics at Virginia Tech University and is an Engineering Mechanics Ph.D. Candidate.