Welcome to the Pride Family!
We’ve created this page to provide easy access to important information and resources for you — and your student. We hope you’ll visit our campus frequently (or as often as your student will allow!) and tour our beautiful city, here in North Carolina’s heartland.
You can also stay in touch by signing up for our PrideLine email newsletter if you have not already done so. Email your name, your student’s name, and their Greensboro College ID number to Elena Henry at ehenry@greensboro.edu. She’ll make sure you get on the list.
- Admissions
- Next Steps
- Financial Aid
- Your Student’s Pride Card
- Campus Map
- Health Services
- Counseling Services
- Places To Stay
- Places To Eat
- Commencement
Defining the Path
Learn how we’re ensuring that all students get what they want and need from us.