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Student Life

The Greensboro College Student Experience

When class ends, the fun continues. Whether you’re joining a new club, cheering on our Division III teams, or hanging out at the Student Center, you’ll feel right at home filling your days doing something you love.

Student Events

Student Support Services

We want you to feel your absolute best, physically and mentally. With access to the Reynolds Center and on-campus health professionals and counselors, you have everything you need to take care of yourself. Plus, our affiliation with the United Methodist Church means you have opportunities to grow your own faith.

Joshua Fitzgerald photo

“I loved the GC Honors program and Greensboro College. I felt safe and a sense of genuine belonging at the college. I worked closely with my thesis advisor and professors who helped inspire me to define my path and passion of interest. That path has led me to my doctoral studies in Engineering Mechanics.”

- Joshua Fitzgerald, Class of ’19, Mathematics Major

Joshua currently studies astrodynamics at Virginia Tech University and is an Engineering Mechanics Ph.D. Candidate.