Student Activities
At Greensboro College, we encourage you to find ways to get involved, enjoy the times to take a fun and relaxing break, and get to know your fellow students outside of the classroom. Your options are endless! We give you the tools and opportunity. You determine your future. This is your time to find out what truly inspires you! Activities outside of the classroom offer opportunities to pursue special or new interests, to gain personal, social, and leadership skills that will be valuable throughout life, and to meet others with interests similar to yours. You will be able to enhance your educational experience outside of the classroom through connections with other students and the Greensboro College community.
Student Clubs and Organizations
You can get involved with a variety of student organizations to connect with others who share your interests or discover new passions. If you don’t find one that calls to you, gather some friends and start your own! Students play a strong role in creating and leading clubs, organizations, and honoraries on our campus.
- Alpha Xi Delta sorority
- Art League
- The Collegian newspaper
- Student Government Association
- NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
- The Lyre literary magazine
- United African American Society (UAAS)
- Student Honors Organization
- Title IX Sexual Misconduct Board
- Student Activities Board

Office of Student Activities
As the gateway to campus involvement, the Office of Student Activities creates educational and recreational programs that help students connect socially, grow personally, and move toward their full potential — while having fun!
Student Activities organizes campus-wide student events and programs, coordinates all student organization funding, manages student center locations, and assists with annual traditions such as Homecoming, Late Night, Spring Fling, and other special events. Student Activities also facilitates training sessions and workshops in leadership development.