First Year Experience
Welcome to Greensboro College
Starting college is an exciting time. That’s why Greensboro wants to make sure everything goes smoothly. The Office of First-Year Experience at Greensboro College helps students like you transition to college life. We are dedicated to preparing you for success the moment you become a member of The Pride. We do this by providing a holistic experience for first-year students through orientation, academic advising, residence life, first-year seminar, and athletics and clubs.
Find Commitment. Find Community.
Our goal is to foster academic success, a seamless transition to college, and a sense of belonging at the College while serving as a central resource for all first-year students. Some of the ways we do that is through PAWS—Preparing, Advising and Welcoming Students—Orientation and Welcome Week.
Click here to take a glance at what your PAWS Day will look like!
Further Questions?

Devin Phifer, M.Ed. ’20
Director of First Year Experience
Phone: (336) 217-7206
Email: orientation@greensboro.edu