College Check-in
College Check-In
All traditional students are required to attend check-in. This is where you will receive your Pride Card (student ID card) and keys to your residence hall if you’re living on-campus.
All of your required check-in tasks must be completed prior to check-in to ensure a quick process. All tasks that are not completed upon your arrival will be the students responsibility to complete before they can receive their Pride Card and room keys.
August Check-In Dates
Tuesday, August 12 – FALL ATHLETE CHECK-IN
12 pm Noon
Odell Building Lobby
Fall athletes are students who are currently on a roster for Football, Men’s Cross Country, Women’s Cross Country, Men’s Soccer, Women’s Soccer, Triathlon, and Volleyball.
Saturday, August 16th – NEW STUDENT CHECK-IN
9 am – 3 pm
Odell Building Lobby
New student check-in is for all new traditional and transfer students starting at Greensboro College for Fall 2025.
9am – 3pm
Odell Building Lobby
All returning students are required to attend check-in.
Preparing for Check-In
Be sure to complete either the first-year student checklist or transfer student checklist items for a faster check-in process.
Come prepared to PAWS Orientation with any questions you may have. Students and guests will have the opportunity to receive any help they may need with these tasks.
We highly encourage students to work on their check-in tasks throughout the summer and contact corresponding offices directly with any questions. With adequate preparation, students can receive a Pride Pass and move quickly through the process!
Further Questions?

Devin Phifer, M.Ed. ’20
Director of First Year Experience
Phone: (336) 217-7206
Email: orientation@greensboro.edu