Office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at Greensboro College
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Office of Inclusive Excellence

Proud of our differences. Still one pride.

Greensboro College is home to students from more than 20 countries and 29 states, with 41% of students identifying as persons of color. These aren’t the only ways we define diversity, but we are continuing to take intentional strides to better understand our community and provide the services and programs that represent our students.

Office of Inclusive Excellence

The mission of the Office of Inclusive Excellence is to provide advocacy, programming, and services to enhance campus climate and support the retention of underrepresented and/or marginalized populations. Our core objectives are to: 

SUPPORT: We aim to increase access to and remove barriers of success for first-generation students, students with disabilities, students of color, and other under-served populations.

EDUCATE: We help facilitate the exploration of privilege and intersectionality among community members.

AFFIRM: We will strengthen our community through the validation, visibility, and development of student agency.

Contact Us

Juliet Lowery headshot

Juliet Lowery

VP of Inclusive Excellence

Phone: (336) 967-3777 x5463

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Joshua Fitzgerald photo

“I loved the GC Honors program and Greensboro College. I felt safe and a sense of genuine belonging at the college. I worked closely with my thesis advisor and professors who helped inspire me to define my path and passion of interest. That path has led me to my doctoral studies in Engineering Mechanics.”

- Joshua Fitzgerald, Class of ’19, Mathematics Major

Joshua currently studies astrodynamics at Virginia Tech University and is an Engineering Mechanics Ph.D. Candidate.