Student Health and Wellness

Greensboro College deeply cares about the wellness and health of its students, allowing them the opportunity to seek free, confidential spaces to find emotional, medical, physical, psychological, and mental support. We are committed to assist our students as they navigate adjustment issues, classroom stress, relationship trouble, family concerns, and other challenges in their personal and academic lives.

Shana Plasters
Dean of Students
Health and Wellness Departments
- Student Health Services
- Counseling Services
- Religious Life
- Wellness and Health Services in Athletics
- Campus Security and Safety
- Kinesiology Department Wellness
- Title IX and GC’s Safety Committee
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Student Activities
To ensure that our students are helped, Greensboro College provides several options where students can be assisted under the department of Student Development.
Any currently enrolled Greensboro College student is eligible to receive services at the various student health outlets which the college offers.
Student Health Services

Lauren Childrey
Director of Student Health Services
(First floor of Greensboro Building)
Phone: 336-217-7277
Fax: 336-217-7299
Greensboro College Student health services are available to current students once they have completed their Magnus Health Account. The health center is available to treat acute illness and injury. The Physician Assistants are available to see students by appointment, for visits such as Pap Smears, STI testing, prescription refills, and illnesses. Visits to the Student Health Center are free to students, as are over the counter medications provided to them, however there is a charge for outside services, such as lab work, which will be billed directly to the student’s health insurance.
Information regarding the physical or mental well-being of a GC student is strictly confidential. Information is released only after consent from the student. Confidentiality will only be broken in circumstances where harm is expected to oneself or others.
After Hours Care
Novant New Garden Medical Associates
1941 New Garden Road Suite 216 Greensboro 27410
The student will need to present their insurance card (family insurance or personal insurance) and pay their co-pay to be seen. They are open Monday- Friday 8:00-6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 8:00-4:00 p.m.
Local Hospitals and Emergency Rooms
Wesley Long
501 N. Elam Ave.
Greensboro, NC 27401
Moses Cone
1200 N. Elm St.
Greensboro, NC 27401
If transportation is needed from the college to the one of the area health care providers after hours and the student is unable to drive him or herself. The RA on duty can be contacted at one of the numbers below. A voucher can be provided if non-emergency transportation is necessary. The college will contact our contracted taxi service to pick the student up and bring them back from the service provider. The student will not be responsible for up-front payment, the voucher will provide payment to the driver and the student will be billed for the service on their student account.
Health Education
We are always happy to help out with any health related hall project. Just call or come by and we’ll do whatever we can to help make it a success! We offer many programs open to all students through-out the year. There will be free STI/HIV screenings twice a year, a Red Cross blood drive, alcohol and drug education events, tobacco cessation counseling, Safe Spring Break event, STI education as well as many others.
Magnus Health Account
Magnus Health-Student Medical Record (SMR) is our electronic medical record keeping system used to collect and manage student health information. Magnus Health SMR is a secure and easy-to-use website for submitting and maintaining your health information.
You will receive an email from Magnus Health once your enrollment deposit is paid, providing your username/password to access your Magnus Health SMR account. You can easily complete and submit all of the requested information online.
Please remember:
- All requested medical information should be submitted directly to Magnus Health before checking in.
- You may receive email reminders from Magnus Health. Once you submit the information requested, the reminders will stop.
- If you cannot locate your username/password, you may retrieve them via the Forgot Your Username/Password link at
- You can contact Magnus Health customer support by phone (877-461-6831) and email (
Important Numbers to Know
- Student Health Center:
- 217-7277
- Campus Security:
- 336-217-7245
- Campus Security Emergency Number:
- 336-312-9911
- RHD on call numbers:
- 336-255-1701
- 336-255-1702
- 336-255-1708
- Counseling Center:
- 336-272-7102 ext. 224
Counseling Services

Micah D. Wyatt M.S., M.A., LMFT
Director of Counseling Services
If you are dealing with issues that feel beyond your control, there is a welcoming place to turn for counseling. Located on the third floor of Main Building, Greensboro College houses its own Counseling Services Center, where students can meet with qualified counselors to discuss matters that can include: adjustment to college life, stress management, interpersonal relationships, anxiety, depression, family concerns, identity concerns, substance abuse, grief and loss, abuse or violence, thoughts of suicide, and other matters.
Students with presenting concerns that may require long-term or more intensive treatment than the college can provide may be referred to a qualified mental health provider in the Greensboro area. Such a referral will be discussed with the student prior to any change. Counseling Services does not prescribe medication but can assist with a referral for medication if needed.
Office hours are Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., with some exceptions. Students may schedule an appointment by emailing the counseling office at Walk-ins are also welcome, but will be seen based on counselor availability.
Counseling records are not part of a student’s academic record.Counseling sessions are about an hour and information discussed in counseling is confidential. This means that anything discussed in counseling cannot be shared with anyone else without the client’s written permission, unless the client or someone else is in danger.
This means that anything discussed in counseling cannot be shared with anyone else without the client’s written permission, unless the client or someone else is in danger.
Counseling Services also provides campus-wide outreach programs on topics related to mental health and wellness and is available to faculty, staff, and students for information, presentations, or support.
Counseling Services is staffed by licensed counselors and supervised graduate-level interns. The Director of Counseling Services, Micah D. Wyatt, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of North Carolina and is located in office 325 in the Main Building.
To contact GC Counseling Services, please call (336) 272-7102 Ext: 5224 or email
Telehealth – TimelyCare
TimelyCare is Greensboro College’s online Telehealth program which students can use. The program is available 24/7 and all costs are covered for full-time undergraduate students as part of tuition and fees.
Students are able to set up virtual health appointments, allowing them easy access to wellness coaching, telehealth, and counseling visits. They can use this service even when at home.
To sign up for TimelyCare, please visit the following website:
Once you get to the website, you will sign up for this service by using your GC email.
For questions about TimelyCare, please contact the Office of Student Development at
Religious Life

Rev. Dr. Robert Brewer
Campus Chaplain
Greensboro College is affiliated with the United Methodist Church and seeks to be a diverse campus of people from all faith traditions and no faith traditions. You will find opportunities to grow in your own faith through numerous small groups, weekly chapel services, and community service opportunities.
The Campus Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Robert Brewer, is an ordained Methodist minister and is available to all students who seek to grow in the faith and spiritual life while upon campus.
The chaplain’s office is located on the first floor of the Student Center. He teaches courses in the Religion Department and is available for conversation by appointment. The Religious Life at Greensboro College offers several chances for students if they are seeking spirituality to help manage stressful life situations, including:
- Opportunities to be in a small group to support faith and spiritual growth
- Visit the meditation room on campus for spiritual nourishment and meditation
- Attend chapel worship on Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. at Finch Chapel throughout the fall and spring semesters
- Speak with Rev. Brewer, whose office is always open for conversation and pastoral counseling. Please call 336.272.7102 ext. 5597 or email
Wellness and Health Services in Athletics

Ethan Williams
Assistant Athletic Director for Sports Medicine | Athletics Healthcare Administrator

Mike Johnston
Head Women’s Soccer Coach | Sports Performance Specialist | Strength and Conditioning Specialist
The Greensboro College Athletic Department also houses the Sports Performance Program, which was created to enhance the experience for all student-athletes in order to ensure all-encompassing areas of performance. The program is a pillared approach that includes: Sports Medicine Injury Prevention, Strength and Conditioning, Functional Performance, Sports Nutrition, and Mental Health. Mike Johnston is the designated Strength and Conditioning Specialist of Greensboro College’s Sports Performance Program. In this role, Mike, who is also the Head Women’s Soccer Coach, informs and discusses the educational side of body and nutrition with student-athletes and coaches.
Greensboro College student-athletes have access to graduate student consultants of UNC-Greensboro’s Sports & Exercise Psychology program. These Master Students, working to earn their Certified Mental Performance Consultant Certification, conduct group work with GC teams, such as mindfulness training, as well as mental exercises in order to learn how to perform in high-stress situations. Each team is granted a student consultant, who are available to hold one-on-one sessions with student-athletes. Coaches can also request an additional consultant.
All students will be afforded the opportunity to improve their performance through a multi-faceted approach. As the program grows the vision is for all student-athletes to engage in year round (optional) training in order to improve both individual and team performance. Our sports performance program will operate in three phases: the general preparation phase, where athletes are working on general holistic health, performance, and improvement, the sports specific phase, where they are focusing on improvement relative to their specific sport, and the competition phase where they are training to compete in-season at the highest optimal level.
To reach someone in the Wellness and Health Services for GC Athletics, please contact, or
Campus Safety and Security

Chief Pam Rogers
Director of Campus Security and Safety
Campus Safety and Security is Committed to providing a safe and secure environment for GC students, employees, and guests. The primary objective of the department is to provide a safe and healthy environment that enhances the campus learning experience and supports the mission of the college.
The Department of Safety and Security is located in Main Building on the first floor in Office 116. Security officers are on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. The Department aids in enforcement of federal, state, and local statutes and Greensboro College policies and procedures. All officers are First Aid, CPR and AED certified. AED units are located in buildings throughout the campus.
The Department of Campus Security and Safety offers the following services:
- Crime Prevention Programs – Offered each semester on topics including personal safety awareness and security
- Motor Vehicle Assistance – Jump-starting batteries, retrieving keys locked in vehicles, and providing phone access for emergency situations
- GC Alert – Emergency Notification through Voicemail, Email, and Text Messaging for rapid emergency notification
- Security Escorts – Provided by the Security Officers on campus at any time upon request
- Operation ID – Marking expensive personal items with an ID number to deter theft and allow tracking if theft occurs
- Lost & Found – Items may be retrieved during business hours
- Did You Forget? – Courtesy reminder left on doors found unlocked and unattended to remind students to close and lock doors and windows when leaving their rooms
To Report a Crime
Criminal actions and other emergencies on campus can be reported directly to Campus Security at any time by dialing the security emergency phone at 336-312-9911.
For general questions or concerns, please contact Campus Safety at (336) 217-7245 or email at
Kinesiology Department Promotes Campus Wellness

Anne Carter
Chair of the Department of Kinesiology and Instructor of Exercise Science
The Kinesiology Department at Greensboro College is dedicated to fostering students’ passions for health, wellness, and science. Concentrations within the program include: Health Science, Health and Physical Education, Exercise and Sport Studies, and Minors in Health, Exercise Science, and Coaching.
As part of the Kinesiology Department’s mission, its goal is to promote health and wellness for the entire campus community, and they are an active department at Greensboro College, including:
Helping to create the KINWell Plaza, which was built between Proctor Hall East and West. This is an outdoor space where students can sit, socialize and relax. The KINWell Plaza features benches, tables, and gliders where students and faculty can enjoy the outdoors. There are infographics in the space that promotes, describes, and explains the eight dimensions of wellness. The goal is that students have a place to relax and unwind while being reflective of their wellness.
Exercise and Sport Science is a fitness assessment and exercise prescription course where students conduct fitness assessment on faculty and students and write cardiorespiratory, strength training and flexibility programs for the participants.
Kinesiology 1100 is a general education course in personal fitness and wellness. This course explores several dimensions of wellness including physical, emotional, social, and financial wellness. Students will learn through self-assessment as we consider areas like exercise, nutrition, and stress management both from a biblical perspective and a practical 21st century perspective. Students will learn how daily choices affect overall wellness and how to adopt healthy lifestyles for years to come. KIN 1100 students create infographics to share fitness and wellness information with the campus community.
For more information, please contact us at
Title IX and GC’s Safety Committee

Emily Scott
Title IX Coordinator
The Title IX office at Greensboro College is committed to providing a safe and welcoming campus environment, and in order to uphold that commitment the office assists with the following:
- Provides sexual harassment prevention training online to all new employees and students
- Provides in person sexual harassment prevention training to all new students using our Pride ROAR training. This in person training focuses specifically on our policy, how to report incidents of sexual harassment, consent, and how to be an active bystander
- Assists individuals involved in reports of sexual harassment and ensures the college provides needed supports and assistance including options for resolution
Identifies and addresses any patterns or systemic problems revealed by reports and campus climate surveys administered biannually.
The Title IX office in coordination with the Human Resources director, Dean of the Faculty, and Director of First Year Experience provides training sessions both online and in person. The online trainings include Not Anymore for students and Roles and Responsibilities of Employees for employees. All incoming students and employees must complete the online training. Incoming students must also attend an in person training called Pride ROAR that is offered at the beginning of each semester. It is strongly recommended that employees attend in person training that is offered at least once a year. All Residence Assistance and Pride Leaders are trained using online and in-person training at the beginning of their employment as well.
The college performs a campus climate survey bi-annually, to get student feedback on how they perceive how the college works to prevent and responds to incidences of sexual harassment. The latest survey was administered in February 2020. The Title IX office uses the survey to address any areas of concern and educate campus constituencies on the ongoing efforts for improvement. The Title IX office also has a student advisory board that assists in providing additional educational opportunities and/or awareness raising events around the topic of sexual harassment. Events in the past have included “Walk a Mile In her Shoes,” the Clothesline Project, Self-defense classes, the Love Foundation’s Escalation Workshop, and speakers on a variety of topics including healthy relationships.
If you have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment, you are urged to seek help immediately. A list of on- and off-campus resources is provided here to assist you. You are also encouraged to report the incident to the college by completing the Incident Report Form or by contacting the Title IX Coordinator.
To report an incident anonymously, please dial 336-217-7259. Your recorded message will be forwarded to the Title IX coordinator for review.
For general questions, please contact Emily Scott directly at 336-272-7102, ext. 5496 or email
The Safety Committee
Greensboro College has a Campus Safety Committee which meets at least 4 times per year to review reports from our insurance carrier EIIA, plan and debrief emergency drills (including active shooter drills), and in the case of an actual emergency, meets as a committee to direct emergency operations, forming subcommittees as necessary (such as the COVID-19 Response Team). The committee works in concert with Security and Facilities personnel to identify and correct physical safety and security hazards on campus. The committee develops and revises procedures to prevent and/or respond to accidents and events that may have a negative impact on the campus community. The Communication Office disseminates emergency procedures and other health and safety related procedures. Such procedures are also communicated in special training sessions or as agenda items in regular faculty or staff meetings.
Greensboro College’s Campus Safety Committee worked with the Director of Human Resources to form a subcommittee to develop an Employee Safety and Health Program. The program outlines the safety and health responsibilities of the administration, supervisors, employees and the Campus Safety Committee. The program also defines accident reporting procedures, safety rules, and required safety training. The College has contracted with Vecor Solutions to provide safety training for all employees on a variety of topics.
For general questions or concerns, please contact Campus Safety at (336) 217-7245 or email at
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Georgieann Bogdan
Director of Universal Design of Learning
Greensboro College has committed to becoming a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) institution. UDL is a comprehensive educational framework that removes barriers to student learning and academic success. The principles of UDL recognize that variance in learning ability and style among individuals is the norm and not the exception. Therefore, the curriculum should be adaptable to individual learning differences rather than the other way around.
Everyone has a unique learning style. It’s as unique as your fingerprint.
Greensboro College is among a relatively small (but growing!) number of colleges and universities using UDL as a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn.
Universal Design for Learning does not remove academic challenges. UDL removes barriers to accessing course materials. UDL guides the design of instruction by customizing and adjusting teaching methods to meet individual learning needs. UDL is simply good teaching based on research on how humans learn.
- Empowers students to have a voice and makes them feel like they are important and responsible for a bright future.
- Connects to real life. There is life after school, and students need to see the links between what they learn at college and life outside.
- Focuses on the process, not just the outcome: Learning today isn’t just about the answer, but also how you get there.
- Builds in time to reflect and grow, ensuring that students and teachers alike have time to consider appropriate tools and approaches.
- Leverages technology in meaningful ways, ensuring that technology is a platform to enhance learning rather than overshadowing it.
- Engages learners on multiple levels, accommodating many types of learners in a single classroom who thrive in different ways.
- Supports faculty to try new things. Innovation in the classroom can happen only if educators feel supported rather than just evaluated.
For questions, please contact the UDL office at: (336)-272-7102- 5591 or email
Student Activities

Jonathan Hall
Director of Student Engagement
Student Activities host various events and programs for students throughout the academic year! We encourage students to find ways where they want to get involved, enjoy the times to take a fun and relaxing break, and get to know your fellow students outside of the classroom!
Options for students are endless. We give you the tools and opportunity, and you determine your future. College is your time to find out what truly inspires you. Connect with those who share your interests, or discover new passions. Our mission and goals include:
- Providing opportunities for students to connect and get involved outside of the classroom to help facilitate a more well-rounded GC experience. Fostering social development, leadership and involvement opportunities, and times just to have fun and de-stress all play a part in students’ overall wellness and a positive college experience!
- Giving students opportunities to relax, socialize, and de-stress, offering a wide range of events throughout the school year. This provides ways to foster the overall wellness, and enjoyment, of students’ experience. College can be stressful at times, but taking advantage of these opportunities to take and break and unwind are valuable to not only “having a good time” but also to keep that stress in check while fostering friendships, socialization, and staying active!
- Helping students to form Clubs and Student Organizations, giving students smaller groups within the GC Community to belong and who hold similar interests or passions for a particular subject or topic. This gives student another connection point and way to get involved outside of the classroom with something important to them. Leadership opportunities within these groups also provide students with more experience and a way to make a difference in the community and student experience.
To reach the office of Student Activities, call: (336)-272-7102 ext. 5383, or email